**How can you care?** 'Because I choose to.' **You make it sound so simple.** 'That's because it is simple. Hard sometimes, but simple.'

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Since no-one's here and there's nothing to do, figured I'd write a little something. This may or may not ever get into what I'm working on now, but it is part of it. Enjoy!

PS: Dave, Vince McMahon couldn't afford me, and his daughter would fire me 3 seconds after I turned the first script in. ;-)


The light was hazy, bright, and starkly white. Yuna couldn't tell exactly where she was, other than it was vaguely and disturbingly familiar. There was shouting coming from somewhere in front of her. Hearing familiar voices, she ran towards it. The featureless corridor emptied into a huge room filled with smoke. There was a battle going on, but she couldn't see the participants. She plunged into the greyness to find her answers.

Someone fell to the ground nearby. Turning towards the sound, she edged forward slowly but still somehow stumbled over the body on the floor. She turned back to see the prematurely grey hair and permanently empty eyes of Paine. Yuna screamed.

Somewhere nearby someone else screamed back. She knew that high-pitched voice, but she couldn't make her mouth form any words. She ran forward to see Rikku fall across the twisted form of her brother. Yuna screamed again.

The smoke cleared, and the room was revealed to be a huge Chamber of the Fayth, but one with an altar on top of the Fayth scar. Collapsing over the altar was the fading dragon-form of Bahamut. Spread out on the altar was the fading form of Tidus. All around her horrifyingly familiar laughter echoed off the walls...


Yuna say up in bed, gasping and shivering. Had she screamed? She felt the beloved form in the bed next to her, still sleeping, one arm in her lap. "A dream," she whispered.

Tidus murmured her name and sleepily wrapped his hand around her waist. She fell back into his embrace, frantically holding him and thinking, THIS is real, THIS is real...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave, Vince McMahon couldn't afford me, and his daughter would fire me 3 seconds after I turned the first script in.

"What do you mean we need to have this angle last an entire year??? Why cant the competitors wrestle before that? What do you think this is, ECW?"

- Dave
Humbled by Jenn's pen.