**How can you care?** 'Because I choose to.' **You make it sound so simple.** 'That's because it is simple. Hard sometimes, but simple.'

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Money woes...

I owe the hospital another $2000, which makes the total now $5400.

I owe Dr. Albert $800.

I owe the tree service $600.

*sighs* I probably won't be able to afford to go to Dragon*Con this year. Or anywhere else, for that matter.


Anonymous said...

Dawn here....

At our hospital, we have a financial advocate who helps people who have been overwhelmed with medical bills from a catastrophe. There are sometimes programs that pay for those with financial hardship issues. It could be worth checking into....

Anonymous said...

Well, you could always go to Trogdorcon '97 and stop at booth 101 for a gamertag...


(Click the period in "endeth." at the end for a belly laugh you could genuinely use.)

- Dave
Needs Million-sided die. Now.